Guide to QualiWare Suppport System

Guide to QualiWare Suppport System

Guide to QualiWare Support


1    About This Document    

1.1    Introduction    

1.2    Sign Up    

1.3    Sign In    

1.4    Submit a Ticket (as s Customer)    

1.5    View your tickets    

Change log



Feb 2022

Version 1 of this document

Jun 2024

Updated images and figures to reflect changes

Figure list

Figure 1: Landing page for    

Figure 2: Sign Up page    

Figure 3: Sign In page    

Figure 4: Start-page after Sign In    

Figure 5: Submit a ticket for customers    

Figure 6: View your tickets    

Figure 7: View you own tickets    

  1. About This Document 

This document is a short guide to the QualiWare support system.

The QualiWare Support System offers customers with a Support contract to request support according to their Support contract.

Furthermore, it enables any customer with a Maintenance contract the ability to report issues.

  1. Introduction

The QualiWare support system can be accessed at:

Figure 1: Landing page for 

Once logged in, the support system gives access to two features: 

  1. Submit a ticket (see details in section 1.4)
  2. Check your organisations ticket (see details in section 1.5*)

Note *) Your QualiWare service team maintains a list of contacts for each organisation. The contacts have access to all the tickets reported on the organizations account. 

  1. Sign Up

Users need to Sign Up to get access to the support system. Sign Up can be accessed from the top menu, cf. Figure 1.

Figure 2: Sign Up page

For customers, there are two options:

  1. Sign Up if you are a new member (not a new customer)
  2. Sign In if you already have completed the Sign Up. 

When signing up, please use your company e-mail and your name. Selecting Sign Up will send an e-mail to your company e-mail. When accepting this, you enter the password. After this, you are Signed Up.

NOTE: Agents (in the QualiWare Service Team) should not Sign Up , but use the Agent Login.

  1. Sign In

Selecting Sign In in the top menu (cf. Figure 1directs you to the following page:

Figure 3: Sign In page

Here you simply enter your company e-mail and password.

NOTE: Agents (in the QualiWare Service Team) must use the login for Agents.

  1. Submit a Ticket (as s Customer)

When Signed In, Submit a ticket” appears on the top menu:

Figure 4: Start-page after Sign In 

When “Submit a ticket” is selected, the following dialog appears:

Figure 5: Submit a ticket for customers

Under Reason for contact” select one of the following options:

  1. Technical support => For customers having a Maintenance and/or Support contract
  2. Hosting => For customers with issues/questions related to hosting in the cloud
  3. License => For customers requesting more licenses, or licenses to be renewed

Please enter the details requested, and your Service Team will handle the ticket. You will receive an automatic mail as a receipt. 

  1. View your tickets 

From the start page (cf. Figure 4), you can get access to all the Tickets:

Figure 6: View your tickets

Figure 7View you own tickets

From the Tickets overview, you can:

  1. search all tickets
  2. see all tickets filtered by Status (Open, Closed, On Hold)
  3. see all tickets filtered by Created By (You, Team)
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